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About the artist

Marleen Thüringer (born 1989) studied art therapy in Munich. She has been painting since she could hold a pen. For her, the greatest thing is when she can bring color and brush to people - in workshops, as a postcard or on canvas. Her portraits have a story to tell. Tehy want to touch you and make you think about the message. The focus of their design is on the question of what moves people deep inside. In her art she finds an expression for that for which there are often no words and thus gives the unconscious a shape.


"The work of art is the greatest riddle of all, but the human being is the solution" - Joseph Beuys -

Künstlerin: Willkommen


For me, art means to be searching, perceiving, listening, sinking, flowing. Creating art is a lively curiosity and discovery - finding ways to overcome boundaries and enable new connections. It's understanding with your cells.
My artistic exploration always deals with an inner letting go and with subjects of transformation. It's liveliness and spontaneity. It's adventure and dedication to the flow. It's reacting to the chaos and the freedom to start anew at any time.
Painting is about the wide space for expression without words. Lead & follow the flow. It is meditation and struggle in one.
There is visible growth in both directions - internally and externally.
An expression for YES to life.

Aus- und Weiterbildung


Edith Maryon Kunstschule Freiburg

Vom Tierwesen zur Tierplastik mit Sabine Mädl


Kunstsymposium Mundenhof Freiburg

Technikkurs Gipsskulpturen und Abformtechniken mit Claudia Borowski


IKT München / staatl. Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen (HfWU)

4-jähriges Kontaktstudium in Kunst- und Gestaltungstherapie am unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Gertraud Schottenloher (München) 


Freie Akademie München

6-monatige Grundausbildung Kunsttherapie und Gestaltungsmethoden



Unterricht bei Fr. Giesela Wunderlich


Akthof München

Teilnahme an Aktzeichenkursen


Europäischer Wettbewerb

Teilnahme am 46. Europäischen Wettbewerb mit Auszeichnung

Thema: künstlerische Auseinandersetzung mit den Menschenrechtenchten

Member of the studio association Atelier Kunstgehege e.V.

Working in my own art therapy

Practice in 



in the

art club


Working in my own art therapy

practice in 


Marleen Thueringer

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© 2023 Marleen Thüringer, Freiburg im Breisgau

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